Paracosmos: Q3 2017
$25.00 USD
Paracosm: A detailed imaginary world | Cosmos: The universe as a complex and orderly system
Paracosmos is a community of multidisciplinary creatives who share a passion for world building. Each month, we generate a new theme that unites us as we create our artwork.
Our aim is to encourage people as we consistently share our work, and in turn, to inspire people to reach out and collaborate with one another. Our expanding community of artists are connected by a mutual interest in having fun within our craft and telling stories reflecting all walks of life. We create artwork as a means to connect – as a means to invent, to express ourselves, to showcase our skills and to learn how to further improve upon our passions.
All proceeds generated by Paracosmos are gifted towards various community programs. As we expand our sense of community, we aim to create impactful and lasting creative relationships. For Paracosmos Q3 2017, we partnered with the Red Hook Art Project, a local volunteer-based mentoring program that provides gifted and under-served kids with free education in the arts.
Paracosmos is open for anybody to join: simply create your artwork and share it on your favorite social media platform with the #Paracosmos hashtag. Throughout June and July 2017, we have been creating around the themes of “Secondary Characters” and “Secret Spaces,” respectively. For more information, please visit our website at www.paracosmos.space
See you out there!